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About HMP Recruitment

Certainly! Welcome to HMP Recruitment, a distinguished division within the HMP Group strategically situated in the heart of the UK. Our sphere of influence extends across both the national and international landscape.

At the helm of our operations is a dedicated team of seasoned recruiters, boasting a collective history of unwavering commitment and notable success within various industries. With a keen focus on specialized sectors such as Healthcare and Logistics, our consultants bring forth a wealth of experience, connecting you with a pool of highly skilled candidates poised for a seamless integration into your business.


While we excel in niche areas, our capabilities extend far beyond specialization. Whether your business requires a Chief Executive Officer or a front-of-house professional, we stand ready to meet your unique staffing needs. What sets us apart from mainstream agencies is our commitment to cultivating meaningful relationships with both clients and candidates. This personalized approach ensures that every interaction is characterized by tailored solutions and a deep understanding of your specific requirements


- 2022 -

Automotive Recruiter of the Year! WMHG

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